Plate Factory Birmingham 3D Gel & 4D Laser Cut Licence Number Plate Plates & Component Suppliers. Video will open in a new window. We are Government approved (DVLA) suppliers of number plate components, systems and plates. This is a Brand New Printer which has been modified to print on to Number Plate Reflective – THIS IS NOT A STANDARD “OFF THE SHELF” Printer. This can make the larger “oversize” Number plates and anything smaller (it is not a dual line printer) – this DOES NOT include number plate making software (available separately). Plate Factory can help you navigate through the minefield of decisions you’ll have to make when it comes to setting up a Number Plate Making Business. We have been pioneers in this industry for over 15 years, and have helped set up some of the most well known Number Plate Retailers in the UK and overseas. Our consultancy includes help with. Registering with the DVLA as a Registered Number Plate Supplier. Knowing what is expected when it comes to taking documents. Knowing which types of Number Plates are legal. Choosing the best System for your business – thermal vs laser. Choosing the best materials for your printer – transparent film and substrate vs reflective and acrylic. Learning how to make Shorter Plates and Hex (Lambo) style Number Plates. Learning about how to make 2d 3d and 4d Number Plates using the best materials. Advice on the difference between Cheaper 3d and 4d digits vs the more expensive ones. Learning how to market your business. Advice with how to create a Number Plate Building Website for your business.