At checkout (starts 15/08/2024 and ends 24/08/2024). These are 10 (TEN) ROLLS ONLY of KODAK COLORPLUS 200 (one of Kodak’s latest general purpose colour negative emulsion) Colour Negative film in the 35 millimetres/36 exposures size with each film roll packaged in its own plastic air tight container and then packaged in its own factory sealed, unopened box with the EXACT EXPIRY DATE of: 01/2026 printed on it so you can be SURE of the FRESHNESS & QUALITY of each roll of film. This film is one of Kodak’s latest Colour Negative General Purpose films with a speed of 200 ISO, balanced for daylight, with excellent colour reproduction producing beautiful natural skin tones, an excellent fine grain, “high sharpness for the achievement of realistic texture & depth” and “extremely wide exposure latitude” (if you miscalculate the correct exposure by 2 to 3 x f stops OVER or UNDER correct exposure the film will save you with excellent prints to be obtained from the resulting negatives). They also have “enhanced colour image stability” (meaning the negatives will last intact indefinitely with near archival keeping quality), “single channel suitability for uniform printing efficiency” and these films are a NEW GENERATION KODAK EMULSION (having recently been re-engineered for greater sharpness, superb colour reproduction even under mixed lighting situations like fluorescent and having extremely fine grain). THEY HAVE ALSO BEEN DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR OPTIMUM SCANNING QUALITY (which speaks for itself when using digital scanners). These films produce superb colour prints with beautiful, natural skin tones but are equally adept at landscapes, scenery, people shots etc. The main features (apart from the EXTREMELY FINE GRAIN, EXTREMELY WIDE EXPOSURE LATITUDE, OPTIMIZED SHARPNESS with DISTINCT FINE DETAIL and ENHANCED SCANNING PERFORMANCE) are the “EXCELLENT COLOUR REPRODUCTION even under MIXED LIGHTING (like fluorescent lighting) PRODUCING BEAUTIFUL, NATURAL SKIN TONES” and the reasonably HIGH SPEED of: 200 ISO making it a very versatile emulsion. So what does all this mean for the advanced amateur & non-professional user (as professionals should know all this stuff already)? Well, it’s one of the finest grain films around (perfect for REALLY BIG enlargements), has superb colour reproduction with superb, subtle colour reproduction but produces beautiful, natural skin tones (perfect for weddings, portraits, fashion shots etc under different forms of lighting), has exceptionally wide-exposure latitude (the best exposure latitude in its class) & “superb skin tone reproduction” (which speaks for itself when using it for pictures of people). They also have superb archivability i. Keeping quality if stored properly and the negatives will yield superb prints for at least 80 YEARS so image retrieval is not a problem (unlike digital).