These are 2 (TWO) ROLLS ONLY of CINESTILL 800T Colour Negative Film in the 120 MEDIUM FORMAT size that is manufactured to be used in artificial light (tungsten lighting sources at 3200 degrees kelvin) and is a high speed 800 ISO film that can be used in most artificial light situations. If a higher speed is required then this film can be uprated to 1600 ISO or even 3200 ISO with appropriate adjusted processing. This film can also be adjusted for shooting in daylight (5500 degrees kelvin) with an appropriate 85 series filter but this reduces the speed to a still impressively fast speed of 500 ISO. These are 2 (TWO) ROLLS of CINESTILL 800T Colour Negative film which is is actually Kodak Eastman Vision 800 T motion picture colour negative film (as used in professional Hollywood and international movie productions) but with the remjet layer removed. The remjet layer is an extra hardening layer added to motion picture emulsions to protect them from breaking as they run through the camera and eventually the movie projector at high speed. This extra remjet layer requires a different processing process (Kodak process ECN-2) to deliver the eventual colour negatives. However with the removal of this remjet layer this film can now be processed in regular Kodak C41 colour negative chemistry which is THE standard colour negative processing process used around the world. In short an incredibly versatile high quality artificial light (tungsten) colour negative film that yields exceptional results and can be processed everywhere (using the Kodak C41 or equivalent process) at a very competitive price with an EXACT EXPIRY DATE of: 10/2022 in the 120 MEDIUM FORMAT size showing the EXACT EXPIRY DATE of: 10/2022 printed on the box so you can be SURE of the FRESHNESS & QUALITY of each roll of film. This film produces vivid, highly accurate colour images shot in artificial (tungsten) light but can also be used in daylight with the appropriate 85 series filter on the camera. The artificial light speed of 800 ISO enables extraordinary opportunities to get stunning images in artificial light or in daylight (with the appropriate conversion filter on the camera). Even more creative possibilities are achievable by uprating the 800 ISO speed to 1600 ISO or even 3200 ISO (with the appropriate adjusted processing). Plus the availability of universal processing world wide via the Kodak C41 process or equivalent. However it has since become a more general use 800 ISO colour negative film that any 35mm camera can use successfully. The incredible speeds of 800 ISO & 1600 ISO and even 3200 ISO respectively give this film a magnificent versatility as it can be uprated 2 stops to 1600 ISO or 3200 ISO respectively. Though at this speed of 1600 ISO or even 3200 ISO obviously with some small loss of contrast and some more graininess. However at the rated speed of 800 ISO the contrast, fine grain, colour and sharpness are excellent as this is the speed that this film was designed for. So what does all this mean for the advanced amateur & non-professional user (as professionals should know all this stuff already)? It also has superb archivability i. Keeping quality if stored properly and it’s negatives will yield superb prints for at least 80 YEARS so image retrieval is not a problem (unlike digital). But mostly it is the very fast speed of 800 ISO (or uprated to1600 ISO or even 3200 ISO) that gives this Cinestill film its extraordinary versatility especially at night without flash. This Cinestill film still maintains today the great standard of quality that KODAK are famous for due to to all these outstanding features. Please Note that this film sale is for 2 (TWO) ROLLS ONLY of this film i. 2 x rolls Cinestill 800T in the 120 Medium Format size and NOT the 35MM size and WILL NOT FIT 35MM size CAMERAS. Put them in the fridge or freezer and they’ll retain their superior colour, fine grain and sharpness qualities for years to come! From 9.00 a. To 5.00 p. Mondays to Fridays—Australian Eastern Standard Time.