Tag Archives: rolls-

Kodak Portra 400 35mm 5 rolls Pro-Pack

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Kodak Portra 400 35mm 5 rolls Pro-Pack
Kodak Portra 400 35mm 5 rolls Pro-Pack
Kodak Portra 400 35mm 5 rolls Pro-Pack
Kodak Portra 400 35mm 5 rolls Pro-Pack
Kodak Portra 400 35mm 5 rolls Pro-Pack
Kodak Portra 400 35mm 5 rolls Pro-Pack
Kodak Portra 400 35mm 5 rolls Pro-Pack
Kodak Portra 400 35mm 5 rolls Pro-Pack

Kodak Portra 400 35mm 5 rolls Pro-Pack
Portra 400 claims to be the world’s finest grain high-speed colour negative film. At true ISO 400 speed, this film delivers spectacular skin tones plus exceptional colour saturation over a wide range of lighting conditions. A great film and deservedly popular. 36 Exposures per roll – PACK OF 5 ROLLS. Daylight-Balanced Colour Negative Film – ISO 400/27o in C-41 Process – Very Fine Grain, VISION Film Technology – High Colour Saturation, Low Contrast – Accurate Colour and Neutral Skin Tones – High Sharpness and Fine Edge Detail – T-GRAIN Emulsion, Ideal for Scanning – Max 10 packs per customer, per day. Kodak Portra 400 35mm – 5 rolls Pro-Pack. 36 Exposures per roll – PACK OF 5 ROLLS. We are WALKENS House of Film. We are an independent photography supply store based in Fitzroy, in Melbourne, Australia. We stock Australia’s widest range of 35mm camera film, plus lots of other film formats including 120 film, 110 film, Instax, Polaroid, Disposable Cameras and more! All of our film is fresh, brand new from manufacturers, unless otherwise noted. Fitzroy Film Lab now open!
Kodak Portra 400 35mm 5 rolls Pro-Pack
November 29, 2024

5 Rolls KODAK Pro Image 100 ISO 36exp 35mm 135-36 Color Negative Film

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5 Rolls KODAK Pro Image 100 ISO 36exp 35mm 135-36 Color Negative Film
5 Rolls KODAK Pro Image 100 ISO 36exp 35mm 135-36 Color Negative Film

5 Rolls KODAK Pro Image 100 ISO 36exp 35mm 135-36 Color Negative Film
PRO IMAGE 100 ISO 35mm Film (5 Rolls/pack). Intended for roomtemperature storage. Printing characteristics similar to those of Kodak GOLD Films. The film of choice for portrait and social photographers. Outstanding flesh-tone reproduction, color accuracy, and saturation. Size : 135 – ISO : 100 – 36 exposures – 5 Rolls / Pack.
5 Rolls KODAK Pro Image 100 ISO 36exp 35mm 135-36 Color Negative Film
November 17, 2024

10x Rolls Kodak Pro Image 100 Colour Negative 35mm Film (36 exposures) 135/36

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10x Rolls Kodak Pro Image 100 Colour Negative 35mm Film (36 exposures) 135/36
10x Rolls Kodak Pro Image 100 Colour Negative 35mm Film (36 exposures) 135/36

10x Rolls Kodak Pro Image 100 Colour Negative 35mm Film (36 exposures) 135/36
10x Rolls – Kodak Pro Image 100 Colour Negative 35mm Film (36 exposures) 135/36. Fresh – Expiry 09/2025. Please refer to the photos above for more details. Thank you for looking! Account must be verified. AU Local Bank Deposit. For items located in Japan, Tokyo. For items located in Australia, Melbourne. Express Post International. Not offered in the listings (additional charges required). Express Post Australia. Registered Post Australia. Reduce cost for smaller items. Most of the pictures in the listings are the actual photos of the item, Unless otherwise stated. All sales are final. If you are not happy with anything, PLEASE let us know; We will do whatever we can to fix the problem. Thank you for visiting Times Camera. We specialise in Vintage Cameras and Manual Lenses, as well as DSLR Cameras and Digital Lenses. We also sell various goods other than the ones listed. You are guaranteed to find an item here that is desirable and affordable. All of our items are genuine, proper stock and it is guaranteed to be 100% authentic. All questions will be answered within 24 hours.
10x Rolls Kodak Pro Image 100 Colour Negative 35mm Film (36 exposures) 135/36
November 8, 2024

2 x Rolls CINESTILL 800T TUNGSTEN COLOR NEG Film-120 Med Format-expiry10/2022

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2 x Rolls CINESTILL 800T TUNGSTEN COLOR NEG Film-120 Med Format-expiry10/2022

2 x Rolls CINESTILL 800T TUNGSTEN COLOR NEG Film-120 Med Format-expiry10/2022
These are 2 (TWO) ROLLS ONLY of CINESTILL 800T Colour Negative Film in the 120 MEDIUM FORMAT size that is manufactured to be used in artificial light (tungsten lighting sources at 3200 degrees kelvin) and is a high speed 800 ISO film that can be used in most artificial light situations. If a higher speed is required then this film can be uprated to 1600 ISO or even 3200 ISO with appropriate adjusted processing. This film can also be adjusted for shooting in daylight (5500 degrees kelvin) with an appropriate 85 series filter but this reduces the speed to a still impressively fast speed of 500 ISO. These are 2 (TWO) ROLLS of CINESTILL 800T Colour Negative film which is is actually Kodak Eastman Vision 800 T motion picture colour negative film (as used in professional Hollywood and international movie productions) but with the remjet layer removed. The remjet layer is an extra hardening layer added to motion picture emulsions to protect them from breaking as they run through the camera and eventually the movie projector at high speed. This extra remjet layer requires a different processing process (Kodak process ECN-2) to deliver the eventual colour negatives. However with the removal of this remjet layer this film can now be processed in regular Kodak C41 colour negative chemistry which is THE standard colour negative processing process used around the world. In short an incredibly versatile high quality artificial light (tungsten) colour negative film that yields exceptional results and can be processed everywhere (using the Kodak C41 or equivalent process) at a very competitive price with an EXACT EXPIRY DATE of: 10/2022 in the 120 MEDIUM FORMAT size showing the EXACT EXPIRY DATE of: 10/2022 printed on the box so you can be SURE of the FRESHNESS & QUALITY of each roll of film. This film produces vivid, highly accurate colour images shot in artificial (tungsten) light but can also be used in daylight with the appropriate 85 series filter on the camera. The artificial light speed of 800 ISO enables extraordinary opportunities to get stunning images in artificial light or in daylight (with the appropriate conversion filter on the camera). Even more creative possibilities are achievable by uprating the 800 ISO speed to 1600 ISO or even 3200 ISO (with the appropriate adjusted processing). Plus the availability of universal processing world wide via the Kodak C41 process or equivalent. However it has since become a more general use 800 ISO colour negative film that any 35mm camera can use successfully. The incredible speeds of 800 ISO & 1600 ISO and even 3200 ISO respectively give this film a magnificent versatility as it can be uprated 2 stops to 1600 ISO or 3200 ISO respectively. Though at this speed of 1600 ISO or even 3200 ISO obviously with some small loss of contrast and some more graininess. However at the rated speed of 800 ISO the contrast, fine grain, colour and sharpness are excellent as this is the speed that this film was designed for. So what does all this mean for the advanced amateur & non-professional user (as professionals should know all this stuff already)? It also has superb archivability i. Keeping quality if stored properly and it’s negatives will yield superb prints for at least 80 YEARS so image retrieval is not a problem (unlike digital). But mostly it is the very fast speed of 800 ISO (or uprated to1600 ISO or even 3200 ISO) that gives this Cinestill film its extraordinary versatility especially at night without flash. This Cinestill film still maintains today the great standard of quality that KODAK are famous for due to to all these outstanding features. Please Note that this film sale is for 2 (TWO) ROLLS ONLY of this film i. 2 x rolls Cinestill 800T in the 120 Medium Format size and NOT the 35MM size and WILL NOT FIT 35MM size CAMERAS. Put them in the fridge or freezer and they’ll retain their superior colour, fine grain and sharpness qualities for years to come! From 9.00 a. To 5.00 p. Mondays to Fridays—Australian Eastern Standard Time.
2 x Rolls CINESTILL 800T TUNGSTEN COLOR NEG Film-120 Med Format-expiry10/2022
November 3, 2024

10 Rolls FUJICOLOR 100 ULTRA FRESH COLOR NEG Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 12/2026

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10 Rolls FUJICOLOR 100 ULTRA FRESH COLOR NEG Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 12/2026
10 Rolls FUJICOLOR 100 ULTRA FRESH COLOR NEG Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 12/2026
10 Rolls FUJICOLOR 100 ULTRA FRESH COLOR NEG Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 12/2026

10 Rolls FUJICOLOR 100 ULTRA FRESH COLOR NEG Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 12/2026
WARNING: DO NOT PASS UP THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!! Attention: Get 10% Discount using code: PASAVE10. At checkout (starts 22/10/2024 and ends 31/10/2024). STOCKPILE THESE STILL FRESH BUT NOW DISCONTINUED FILMS NOW BEFORE THEY DISAPPEAR TOTALLY!!! The latest informed speculation is that Fujifilm Corporation will be gradually discontinuing manufacture of ALL FILMS that they currently make. In other words in the near future possibly NO MORE FUJI FILMS OF ANY TYPE (apart from FUJI INSTAX Instant Film or Fuji branded colour films made by Kodak)!!! FujiFilm Corporation now has 2 x 35mm consumer colour films (200 ISO & 400 ISO) that are made in USA not Japan (rumoured to be made by Kodak) and this professional Fuji colour negative film (FUJI SUPERIA XTRA 400 made in Japan by FujiFilm Corporation) has now been discontinued by FUJIFILM Corporation. These are 10 (TEN) ROLLS ONLY of FUJICOLOR 100 which is the LAST one of the high quality general purpose colour negative film that Fujifilm Corporation manufactures. These are 10 (TEN) ROLLS ONLY of this film in the 35 millimetres/36 exposures size with each film roll packaged in its own unopened, factory sealed box showing the EXACT EXPIRY DATE of: 12/2026 so you can be SURE of the FRESHNESS & QUALITY of each roll of this film. This is the last one of Fuji’s General Purpose Professional Colour Negative films with a speed of 100 ISO, balanced for daylight, exceptional natural skin tone rendition, a truly incredible ultra fine grain of: RMS:4, “high sharpness for the achievement of “realistic texture & depth” and ” wide exposure latitude (if you miscalculate the correct exposure by 2 to 3 x f stops OVER or UNDER correct exposure the film will save you with excellent prints to be obtained from the resulting negatives). It also has “enhanced colour image stability” (meaning the negatives will last intact indefinitely with near archival keeping quality), “single channel suitability for uniform printing efficiency” & this film ” is a NEW GENERATION EMULSION DESIGNED FOR OPTIMUM SCANNING QUALITY” (which speaks for itself when using digital scanners). This film produces more vivid but natural colour, especially with skin tones, however its main feature (apart from the EXTREMELY FINE GRAIN of RMS: 4, the excellent sharpness and the wide exposure latitude) is it’s “HIGHLY FAITHFUL COLOUR REPRODUCTION” even under unusual lighting sources such as fluorescent light. Its speed of 100 ISO gives it good versatility as it can be uprated by 2 x f stops to 400 ISO with very little, if any, loss of contrast or sharpness. So what does all this mean for the advanced amateur and non-professional user (as professionals should know all this stuff already)? Well, it’s one of the finest grain films around (perfect for REALLY BIG enlargements), has exceptionally faithful colour reproduction (perfect for weddings, portraits, fashion shots etc under different forms of lighting), wide-exposure latitude & “superb skin tone reproduction” (which speaks for itself when using it for pictures of people). It also has superb archiveability i. Keeping quality if stored properly and it’s negatives will yield superb prints for at least 80 YEARS so image retrieval is not a problem (unlike digital). It is ONE OF THE MOST VERSATILE COLOUR NEGATIVE FILM THAT FUJI MAKES due to to all these outstanding features. Finally it includes Fuji’s famous fourth colour layer. Whilst not labelled a professional colour negative film it most definitely has all the attributes of a professional colour negative film. This film is usually only available in the Japanese market but I have secured some of this film with an excellent expiry date (12/2026). This film is no longer being manufactured while FujiFilm Corporation takes a “pause” from film manufacture. This has lead to a sharp price spike in all available dwindling supplies of ALL FUJIFILM CORPORATION films and no one knows when or if they will be manufactured in the future. So don’t delay and act now to secure some supplies of this film at current prices before it might disappear forever (perhaps like most Fujifilm Corporation films). As supplies of this or any discontinued film dwindle the price will inevitably increase. The less the supply the more the price increases. This film sale is for 10 (TEN) ROLLS ONLY of this film with each film roll in its own unopened, factory sealed box.
10 Rolls FUJICOLOR 100 ULTRA FRESH COLOR NEG Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 12/2026
October 28, 2024

5x Rolls FUJICOLOR 100 ULTRA FRESH COLOR NEG Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 12/2026

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5x Rolls FUJICOLOR 100 ULTRA FRESH COLOR NEG Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 12/2026
5x Rolls FUJICOLOR 100 ULTRA FRESH COLOR NEG Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 12/2026
5x Rolls FUJICOLOR 100 ULTRA FRESH COLOR NEG Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 12/2026

5x Rolls FUJICOLOR 100 ULTRA FRESH COLOR NEG Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 12/2026
WARNING: DO NOT PASS UP THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!! Attention: Get 10% Discount using code: PASAVE10. At checkout (starts 22/10/2024 and ends 31/10/2024). STOCKPILE THESE STILL FRESH BUT NOW DISCONTINUED FILMS NOW BEFORE THEY DISAPPEAR TOTALLY!!! The latest informed speculation is that Fujifilm Corporation will be gradually discontinuing manufacture of ALL FILMS that they currently make. In other words in the near future possibly NO MORE FUJI FILMS OF ANY TYPE (apart from FUJI INSTAX Instant Film or Fuji branded colour films made by Kodak)!!! FujiFilm Corporation now has 2 x 35mm consumer colour films (200 ISO & 400 ISO) that are made in USA not Japan (rumoured to be made by Kodak) and this professional Fuji colour negative film (FUJI SUPERIA XTRA 400 made in Japan by FujiFilm Corporation) has now been discontinued by FUJIFILM Corporation. These are 5 (FIVE) ROLLS ONLY of FUJICOLOR 100 which is the LAST one of the high quality general purpose colour negative film that Fujifilm Corporation manufactures. These are 5 (FIVE) ROLLS ONLY of this film in the 35 millimetres/36 exposures size with each film roll packaged in its own unopened, factory sealed box showing the EXACT EXPIRY DATE of: 12/2026 so you can be SURE of the FRESHNESS & QUALITY of each roll of this film. This is the last one of Fuji’s General Purpose Professional Colour Negative films with a speed of 100 ISO, balanced for daylight, exceptional natural skin tone rendition, a truly incredible ultra fine grain of: RMS:4, “high sharpness for the achievement of “realistic texture & depth” and ” wide exposure latitude (if you miscalculate the correct exposure by 2 to 3 x f stops OVER or UNDER correct exposure the film will save you with excellent prints to be obtained from the resulting negatives). It also has “enhanced colour image stability” (meaning the negatives will last intact indefinitely with near archival keeping quality), “single channel suitability for uniform printing efficiency” & this film ” is a NEW GENERATION EMULSION DESIGNED FOR OPTIMUM SCANNING QUALITY” (which speaks for itself when using digital scanners). This film produces more vivid but natural colour, especially with skin tones, however its main feature (apart from the EXTREMELY FINE GRAIN of RMS: 4, the excellent sharpness and the wide exposure latitude) is it’s “HIGHLY FAITHFUL COLOUR REPRODUCTION” even under unusual lighting sources such as fluorescent light. Its speed of 100 ISO gives it good versatility as it can be uprated by 2 x f stops to 400 ISO with very little, if any, loss of contrast or sharpness. So what does all this mean for the advanced amateur and non-professional user (as professionals should know all this stuff already)? Well, it’s one of the finest grain films around (perfect for REALLY BIG enlargements), has exceptionally faithful colour reproduction (perfect for weddings, portraits, fashion shots etc under different forms of lighting), wide-exposure latitude & “superb skin tone reproduction” (which speaks for itself when using it for pictures of people). It also has superb archiveability i. Keeping quality if stored properly and it’s negatives will yield superb prints for at least 80 YEARS so image retrieval is not a problem (unlike digital). It is ONE OF THE MOST VERSATILE COLOUR NEGATIVE FILM THAT FUJI MAKES due to to all these outstanding features. Finally it includes Fuji’s famous fourth colour layer. Whilst not labelled a professional colour negative film it most definitely has all the attributes of a professional colour negative film. This film is usually only available in the Japanese market but I have secured some of this film with an excellent expiry date (12/2026). This film is no longer being manufactured while FujiFilm Corporation takes a “pause” from film manufacture. This has lead to a sharp price spike in all available dwindling supplies of ALL FUJIFILM CORPORATION films and no one knows when or if they will be manufactured in the future. So don’t delay and act now to secure some supplies of this film at current prices before it might disappear forever (perhaps like most Fujifilm Corporation films). As supplies of this or any discontinued film dwindle the price will inevitably increase. The less the supply the more the price increases. This film sale is for 5 (FIVE) ROLLS ONLY of this film with each film roll in its own unopened, factory sealed box.
5x Rolls FUJICOLOR 100 ULTRA FRESH COLOR NEG Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 12/2026
October 25, 2024

Kodak Portra 400 120 Film 5 rolls Pro-Pack

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Kodak Portra 400 120 Film 5 rolls Pro-Pack
Kodak Portra 400 120 Film 5 rolls Pro-Pack
Kodak Portra 400 120 Film 5 rolls Pro-Pack

Kodak Portra 400 120 Film 5 rolls Pro-Pack
Portra 400 claims to be the world’s finest grain high-speed colour negative film. At true ISO 400 speed, this film delivers spectacular skin tones plus exceptional colour saturation over a wide range of lighting conditions. Kodak Portra 400 120 Film – 5 rolls Pro-Pack. PACK OF 5 ROLLS – Daylight-Balanced Colour Negative Film – ISO 400/27o in C-41 Process – Very Fine Grain, VISION Film Technology – High Colour Saturation, Low Contrast – Accurate Colour and Neutral Skin Tones – High Sharpness and Fine Edge Detail – T-GRAIN Emulsion, Ideal for Scanning. We are WALKENS House of Film. We are an independent photography supply store based in Fitzroy, in Melbourne, Australia. We stock Australia’s widest range of 35mm camera film, plus lots of other film formats including 120 film, 110 film, Instax, Polaroid, Disposable Cameras and more! All of our film is fresh, brand new from manufacturers, unless otherwise noted. Fitzroy Film Lab now open!
Kodak Portra 400 120 Film 5 rolls Pro-Pack
October 19, 2024

5 x Rolls FUJI VELVIA 100 FRESH Color Slide Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 06/2025

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5 x Rolls FUJI VELVIA 100 FRESH Color Slide Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 06/2025
5 x Rolls FUJI VELVIA 100 FRESH Color Slide Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 06/2025

5 x Rolls FUJI VELVIA 100 FRESH Color Slide Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 06/2025
This film is in stock now and not subject to a waiting list that might take months or years for the films to arrive. WARNING: STOCKPILE THESE FILMS NOW BEFORE THEY’RE DISCONTINUED!!! The latest informed speculation is that Fujifilm Corporation will be gradually discontinuing manufacture of ALL FILMS that they currently make (apart from FUJI INSTAX instant films and some consumer quality colour negative films rumored to be made by Kodak). Also the current speculation buzz suggests that Fuji Velvia 50, Fuji Velvia 100 & Fuji Provia 100F colour slide films have ceased production! It is now definitely confirmed that Fuji VELVIA 100 colour slide films of any size are. Banned from sale in the USA (due to environmental factors)! It has also definitely been confirmed that th. E 5 roll pro packs in the 35mm/36 exposures size of Velvia 50, Velvia 100 & Provia 100F colour slide films have now been discontinued by Fujifilm Corporation. In fact FujiFilm Corporation no longer make ANY 5 ROLL PRO PACKS for ANY of their 35mm films just the single roll packs. In other words in the near future possibly NO MORE FUJI FILMS OF ANY TYPE!! This film in this size is almost impossible to obtain at the moment which gives rise to the speculation that it is no longer being manufactured in the 120 medium format size! The 5 roll pro packs of the 120 Medium Format size film may be discontinued by Fujifilm Corporation at any time. It is now officially spring (in the southern hemisphere) with all the new spring flowers and trees bursting into full bloom and also it’s autumn (in the northern hemisphere) with misty mornings and the bright colours of the leaves on the trees in full view. Don’t miss out on capturing these extremely colourful scenes on the 2 VERY BEST COLOUR SLIDE FILMS for these scenes–FUJI VELVIA 50 & FUJI VELVIA 100—still the favourite films for capturing spring or autumn landscape scenes and indeed any scene requiring fully boosted colour to yield absolutely STUNNINGLY COLOURFUL PHOTOGRAPHS of THESE SCENES! These are 5 (FIVE) ROLLS ONLY of Fuji’s world famous enhanced colour slide film FUJI VELVIA 100 in the 35 millimetres/36 exposures size with each film roll packaged in its own unopened, factory sealed box showing the EXACT EXPIRY DATE of: 06/2025 so you can be sure of the FRESHNESS and QUALITY of each roll of film. This film was introduced worldwide in August/September 2005 not to be confused with its predecessor FUJI VELVIA 100F which was introduced in September 2003. It is superior to Fuji Velvia 100F (in my humble opinion) for a few reasons: the most important one being that FUJI VELVIA 100 has ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME COLOUR AS FUJI VELVIA 50 but is twice as fast. Some people claim that VELVIA 100F whilst having extremely fine grain and being extremely sharp has overall dull colour for an enhanced colour transparency film. This new film would appear to correct those perceived problems and delivers the SAME STUNNING COLOUR AND SHARPNESS as FUJI VELVIA 50. It is also slightly finer grain than FUJI VELVIA 50 with a grain measurement of RMS: 8 whilst VELVIA 50 has an RMS of: 9. It also has the same razor sharpness as it’s predecessors. In short this is THE BEST ENHANCED COLOUR TRANSPARENCY (SLIDE) FILM THAT FUJI HAS EVER MADE (according to me and literally many thousands of photographers)! And that’s saying something as the current crop of film emulsions from both Fuji and Kodak are the best that have ever been manufactured! PLEASE NOTE: This film sale is for 5 (FIVE) ROLLS ONLY of Fuji VELVIA 100 in the 35mm/36 exposures size. TO SUM UP: stunning enhanced colour (now better balanced for skin tones believe it or not), razor sharpness, extremely fine grain (RMS:8) and an effective speed of 100 ISO (twice as fast as VELVIA 50). You cannot get a better enhanced colour transparency film than this (according to me)! Attention: Get 10% Discount by using code: PASUMMER. At checkout (starts 2/10/2024 and ends 11/10/2024). Please note that this film sale is for 5 (FIVE) ROLLS ONLY i. 5 x separate rolls of this film with each film in its own unopened, factory sealed box showing the EXACT EXPIRY DATE of: 06/2025.
5 x Rolls FUJI VELVIA 100 FRESH Color Slide Film-35mm/36 exps-expiry 06/2025
October 9, 2024