I specialize in unread, unopened high-grade copies & lifetime collections. Restoration = color touch. I think this is the 3rd #102 color touch I had. Getting a restored label on these bks makes absolutely no sense. CGC still lowers the grade about 1.5 for a tiny amount of ink on a cover so why do they add in restoration labels? If you cover the ink w/ a booger, you would end up with the same grade & no restoration label. Would you rather have a dot of ink or a booger? CGC won’t give you a restored label if you cover it w/ a booger. Extra scans are new items being listed in other auctions. I know I usually sell bks much cheaper than most everyone else. But the reality is dealing w/ CGC is insanely expensive. No more discounts on huge batches of bks. Getting the nicest copies in the world is expensive.